One of the perks of having a dermatologist for a wife is that you get certain treatments for free--if you want them. I've refused her offers of facials already as my hypersensitive facial skin simply can
not handle them--my
other dermatologist (the one who is not immune to litigation) actually deemed my facial skin "ultra-sensitive" and had to handle it with kid gloves (but that's another story for another day)--and in the future I will probably refuse botox too.
One of the treatments I did agree to is
mesotherapy. See, I've never met my abs
ever, and I feel it's about time I get introduced to them. I'm currently on a diet, so why not go all the way? I got my first treatment on my abdomen about a week ago, and if Jean's tape measure is to be believed, I've already lost half an inch off my waist. For just 15 minutes worth of needle-punctures, it's probably worth it.
The second set of shots is due next week. Give me strength.
this enterprising group of people have developed another, more interesting, more innovative way of using mesotherapy, "MesoBoost" which I absolutely do not need. Take a peek.